Athletic Mix

Phone: 406-676-4100

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Variety Description:

Traffic tolerant and lush! Perennial Rye is noted for its traffic tolerance. Combined with kentucky bluegrass and shade tolerant creeping fescue, this mix makes a great Sports field or lawn for kids and high traffic areas.
SF/Bag : 6,250
Lbs/Acre: 174
% Bulk Variety Seeds/lb Seeds/lb of mix % Seeds Lbs/1000 sf Seeds/1000 sf Seeds/sf Seeds/Sq Inch
55% Perennial Rye (3 types) 250,000 137,500 21% 2.20 550,000 550 4
25% Kentucky Bluegrass 1,750,000 437,500 67% 1.00 1,750,000 1,750 12
20% Creeping Red Fescue 375,000 75,000 12% 0.80 300,000 300 2
100% 650,000 100% 4 2,600,000 2,600 18