Dry Site Lawn

Phone: 406-676-4100

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Variety Description:

Turf Type tall fescue is a deep rooted drought tolerant grass. Fairway Crested is an extremely hardy drought tolerant species. Kentucky bluegrass is the ultimate lawn species and greens up in the early spring and fall and uses its dormancy trait to survive the heat of summer.
SF/Bag : 5,000
Lbs/Acre: 218
% Bulk Variety Seeds/lb Seeds/lb of mix % Seeds Lbs/1000 sf Seeds/1000 sf Seeds/sf Seeds/Sq Inch
35% Turf Type Tall Fescue 250,000 87,500 24% 1.75 437,500 438 3
30% Fairway Crested Wheatgrass 265,250 79,575 22% 1.50 397,875 398 3
20% Chewings Fescue 450,000 90,000 25% 1.00 450,000 450 3
5% Kentucky Bluegrass    1,750,000 87,500 24% 0.25 437,500 438 3
10% Perennial Ryegrass 227,000 22,700 6% 0.50 113,500 114 0.8
100% 367,275 100% 5 1,836,375 1,836 13